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he wormed his way into my confidence

  • 1 to worm one’s way into someone’s confidence/heart

    to worm one’s way into someone’s confidence/heart
    saber conquistar ardilosamente a confiança/o coração de alguém. he wormed his way into my confidence / ele soube conquistar ardilosamente a minha confiança.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to worm one’s way into someone’s confidence/heart

  • 2 worm one's way

    1) (in, into, through) пробираться ползком, вползать; с трудом пробираться

    He wormed his way through the bushes. — Он прополз между кустами.

    2) ( into) втираться; примазываться

    She succeeded in worming her way into their confidence. — Ей удалось втереться к ним в доверие.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > worm one's way

  • 3 worm

    1. noun
    (a kind of small creeping animal with a ringed body and no backbone; an earth-worm.) gusano, lombriz

    2. verb
    1) (to make (one's way) slowly or secretly: He wormed his way to the front of the crowd.) deslizarse, insinuarse
    2) (to get (information etc) with difficulty (out of someone): It took me hours to worm the true story out of him.) sacar, sonsacar, ganarse la confianza de alguien
    worm n gusano / lombriz
    1 (grub, maggot) gusano; (earthworm) lombriz nombre femenino
    2 pejorative (person) gusano, canalla
    3 SMALLTECHNICAL/SMALL (of screw) tornillo
    1 (make one's way) deslizarse; (insinuate) insinuarse ( into, en)
    2 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL quitar las lombrices a, desparasitar
    1 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL lombrices nombre femenino plural
    the early worm catches the bird a quien madruga Dios le ayuda
    the worm will turn la paciencia tiene un límite
    a can of worms un problema peliagudo
    worm ['wərm] vi
    1) crawl: arrastrarse, deslizarse (como gusano)
    to worm one's way into someone's confidence: ganarse la confianza de alguien
    to worm something out of someone : sonsacarle algo a alguien
    worm vt
    : desparasitar (un animal)
    worm n
    1) : gusano m, lombriz f
    2) worms npl
    : lombrices fpl (parásitos)
    conseguir por medio de artimañas v.
    embutir v.
    insinuarse v. (Computing)
    gusano (Informática) s.m.
    gusano s.m.
    husillo s.m.
    lombriz s.f.
    persona despreciable s.f.
    sabandija s.f.
    tornillo sin fin s.m.

    I wɜːrm, wɜːm
    a) ( earthworm) gusano m, lombriz f (de tierra); ( as term of abuse) gusano m

    the worm turnsla paciencia se agota or tiene un límite

    b) ( maggot) gusano m
    c) worms pl ( Med) lombrices fpl

    he never stops eating: he must have worms — no para de comer, debe tener la (lombriz) solitaria

    a) ( wriggle)

    to worm one's way — (+ adv compl)

    she wormed her way o herself into their confidence — se ganó su confianza con astucia


    to worm something OUT OF somebody\<\<secret/information\>\> sonsacarle* algo a alguien

    2) ( Vet Sci) \<\<dog/cat\>\> desparasitar
    1. N
    1) (=earthworm) gusano m, lombriz f
    2) (in fruit, vegetable) gusano m (also Comput)
    3) (Med)
    4) pej (=person) gusano m
    2. VT
    1) (=wriggle)

    to worm one's way into a grouppej infiltrarse en un grupo

    to worm one's way into sb's confidencepej ganarse la confianza de algn

    2) pej (=extract)
    3) (=treat) [+ dog, cat, horse] desparasitar

    worm powder Npolvos mpl antiparasitarios

    worm tablet Ntableta f antiparasitaria

    * * *

    I [wɜːrm, wɜːm]
    a) ( earthworm) gusano m, lombriz f (de tierra); ( as term of abuse) gusano m

    the worm turnsla paciencia se agota or tiene un límite

    b) ( maggot) gusano m
    c) worms pl ( Med) lombrices fpl

    he never stops eating: he must have worms — no para de comer, debe tener la (lombriz) solitaria

    a) ( wriggle)

    to worm one's way — (+ adv compl)

    she wormed her way o herself into their confidence — se ganó su confianza con astucia


    to worm something OUT OF somebody\<\<secret/information\>\> sonsacarle* algo a alguien

    2) ( Vet Sci) \<\<dog/cat\>\> desparasitar

    English-spanish dictionary > worm

  • 4 WORM

    1. noun
    (a kind of small creeping animal with a ringed body and no backbone; an earth-worm.) gusano, lombriz

    2. verb
    1) (to make (one's way) slowly or secretly: He wormed his way to the front of the crowd.) deslizarse, insinuarse
    2) (to get (information etc) with difficulty (out of someone): It took me hours to worm the true story out of him.) sacar, sonsacar, ganarse la confianza de alguien
    worm n gusano / lombriz
    1 (grub, maggot) gusano; (earthworm) lombriz nombre femenino
    2 pejorative (person) gusano, canalla
    3 SMALLTECHNICAL/SMALL (of screw) tornillo
    1 (make one's way) deslizarse; (insinuate) insinuarse ( into, en)
    2 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL quitar las lombrices a, desparasitar
    1 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL lombrices nombre femenino plural
    the early worm catches the bird a quien madruga Dios le ayuda
    the worm will turn la paciencia tiene un límite
    a can of worms un problema peliagudo
    worm ['wərm] vi
    1) crawl: arrastrarse, deslizarse (como gusano)
    to worm one's way into someone's confidence: ganarse la confianza de alguien
    to worm something out of someone : sonsacarle algo a alguien
    worm vt
    : desparasitar (un animal)
    worm n
    1) : gusano m, lombriz f
    2) worms npl
    : lombrices fpl (parásitos)
    conseguir por medio de artimañas v.
    embutir v.
    insinuarse v. (Computing)
    gusano (Informática) s.m.
    gusano s.m.
    husillo s.m.
    lombriz s.f.
    persona despreciable s.f.
    sabandija s.f.
    tornillo sin fin s.m.

    I wɜːrm, wɜːm
    a) ( earthworm) gusano m, lombriz f (de tierra); ( as term of abuse) gusano m

    the worm turnsla paciencia se agota or tiene un límite

    b) ( maggot) gusano m
    c) worms pl ( Med) lombrices fpl

    he never stops eating: he must have worms — no para de comer, debe tener la (lombriz) solitaria

    a) ( wriggle)

    to worm one's way — (+ adv compl)

    she wormed her way o herself into their confidence — se ganó su confianza con astucia


    to worm something OUT OF somebody\<\<secret/information\>\> sonsacarle* algo a alguien

    2) ( Vet Sci) \<\<dog/cat\>\> desparasitar
    ABBR = write once read many times
    * * *

    I [wɜːrm, wɜːm]
    a) ( earthworm) gusano m, lombriz f (de tierra); ( as term of abuse) gusano m

    the worm turnsla paciencia se agota or tiene un límite

    b) ( maggot) gusano m
    c) worms pl ( Med) lombrices fpl

    he never stops eating: he must have worms — no para de comer, debe tener la (lombriz) solitaria

    a) ( wriggle)

    to worm one's way — (+ adv compl)

    she wormed her way o herself into their confidence — se ganó su confianza con astucia


    to worm something OUT OF somebody\<\<secret/information\>\> sonsacarle* algo a alguien

    2) ( Vet Sci) \<\<dog/cat\>\> desparasitar

    English-spanish dictionary > WORM

  • 5 worm

    [wə:m] 1. noun
    (a kind of small creeping animal with a ringed body and no backbone; an earth-worm.) verme
    2. verb
    1) (to make (one's way) slowly or secretly: He wormed his way to the front of the crowd.) ir aos poucos
    2) (to get (information etc) with difficulty (out of someone): It took me hours to worm the true story out of him.) conseguir saber aos poucos
    * * *
    [wə:m] n 1 bicho, verme, gorgulho, gusano, caruncho, lombriga, larva, minhoca, traça, lagarta. 2 fig pobre, miserável, vil. 3 Mech rosca sem fim, de parafuso, etc., parte espiral de ferramenta ou mecanismo. 4 Chem serpentina. 5 saca-trapo. 6 fig remorso, consciência. 7 worms verminose, vermes. • vt+vi 1 mover-se como verme, serpear, rastejar. 2 obter ardilosamente, infiltrar-se, insinuar-se, minar, solapar. 3 tirar bichos de, livrar de vermes. 4 procurar vermes (pássaros). 5 Naut engaiar. a poor worm of earth um pobre e miserável ser humano. cooling worm serpentina de refrigeração. even a worm will turn até um verme reage quando é pisado. glow worm pirilampo, vagalume. he has a worm ele tem uma idéia fixa. hook worm ameba, ascárides, vermes intestinais. I am a worm today sinto-me miseravelmente mal hoje. silk worm bicho da seda. tape worm tênia, solitária. the worm in the apple/ bud parte ruim, coisa estragada. they wormed their way eles seguiram o seu caminho tortuosamente. to worm one’s way into someone’s confidence/ heart saber conquistar ardilosamente a confiança/o coração de alguém. he wormed his way into my confidence / ele soube conquistar ardilosamente a minha confiança. to worm out a) desparafusar. b) obter, descobrir ardilosamente. to worm something out of someone saber arrancar o segredo de alguém. we wormed the secret out of him / soubemos arrancar o segredo dele. to worm your way into/ through andar, mover-se vagarosamente, cuidadosamente em um espaço ou no meio do público. worm of conscience o verme da consciência.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > worm

  • 6 lograr conquistar

    to manage to conquer, to wriggle one's way into, to manage to win, to worm one's way into.
    Logró conquistar su confianza He wormed his way into her confidence.

    Spanish-English dictionary > lograr conquistar

  • 7 Д-225

    ВТИРАТЬСЯ/ВТЕРЕТЬСЯ (ВКРАДЫВАТЬСЯ/ВКРАСТЬСЯ, ВЛЕЗАТЬ/ВЛЕЗТЬ) В ДОВЕРИЕ к кому coll, disapprov VP subj: human (to try) to obtain s.o. 's trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary ( usu. with the goal of personal gain)
    X втёрся в доверие к Y-y = X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence
    X wormed himself into Y's confidence X stole into Y's confidence X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence)).
    (Иосиф) умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не (Yosif) knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
    Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
    Вероятно, (Александр) думал, что я притворяюсь «честня-гой», рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не (Aleksandr) must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-225

  • 8 вкрадываться в доверие

    [VP; subj: human]
    (to try) to obtain s.o.'s trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary (usu. with the goal of personal gain):
    - X втёрся в доверие к Y-y - X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence).
         ♦ [Иосиф] умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yosif] knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
         ♦ Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
         ♦ Вероятно, [Александр] думал, что я притворяюсь "честнягой", рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак; либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не [Aleksandr] must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вкрадываться в доверие

  • 9 вкрасться в доверие

    [VP; subj: human]
    (to try) to obtain s.o.'s trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary (usu. with the goal of personal gain):
    - X втёрся в доверие к Y-y - X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence).
         ♦ [Иосиф] умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yosif] knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
         ♦ Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
         ♦ Вероятно, [Александр] думал, что я притворяюсь "честнягой", рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак; либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не [Aleksandr] must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вкрасться в доверие

  • 10 влезать в доверие

    [VP; subj: human]
    (to try) to obtain s.o.'s trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary (usu. with the goal of personal gain):
    - X втёрся в доверие к Y-y - X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence).
         ♦ [Иосиф] умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yosif] knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
         ♦ Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
         ♦ Вероятно, [Александр] думал, что я притворяюсь "честнягой", рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак; либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не [Aleksandr] must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > влезать в доверие

  • 11 влезть в доверие

    [VP; subj: human]
    (to try) to obtain s.o.'s trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary (usu. with the goal of personal gain):
    - X втёрся в доверие к Y-y - X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence).
         ♦ [Иосиф] умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yosif] knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
         ♦ Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
         ♦ Вероятно, [Александр] думал, что я притворяюсь "честнягой", рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак; либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не [Aleksandr] must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > влезть в доверие

  • 12 втереться в доверие

    [VP; subj: human]
    (to try) to obtain s.o.'s trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary (usu. with the goal of personal gain):
    - X втёрся в доверие к Y-y - X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence).
         ♦ [Иосиф] умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yosif] knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
         ♦ Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
         ♦ Вероятно, [Александр] думал, что я притворяюсь "честнягой", рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак; либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не [Aleksandr] must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > втереться в доверие

  • 13 втираться в доверие

    [VP; subj: human]
    (to try) to obtain s.o.'s trust by using whatever (often underhand) means are necessary (usu. with the goal of personal gain):
    - X втёрся в доверие к Y-y - X wormed (weaseled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X insinuated himself into Y's trust (confidence).
         ♦ [Иосиф] умел улыбаться, и когда улыбался, то это был ангел, втирался в доверие к людям и потом их обманывал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yosif] knew how to smile, and when he did he could look like an angel and he would worm his way into your confidence, and then stab you in the back (1a).
         ♦ Самый хитрый человек не мог бы искуснее вкрасться в доверие княжны, вызывая ее воспоминания лучшего времени молодости и выказывая к ним сочувствие (Толстой 7). The most cunning man could not have stolen into the Princess's confidence more cleverly, evoking memories of the best times of her youth and showing sympathy with them (7a).
         ♦ Вероятно, [Александр] думал, что я притворяюсь "честнягой", рассчитывая на особую благосклонность начальства, и, значит, дурак; либо хочу втереться в доверие к товарищам и, значит, опасен (Копелев 1). Не [Aleksandr] must have thought that I was playing at being very "honest," hoping for special favor from the bosses, and therefore a fool, or hoping to insinuate myself into the trust of my comrades, and therefore dangerous (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > втираться в доверие

  • 14 Д-410

    влезать/влезть (лезть, залезать/залезть) в душу чью, кого, (к) кому VP subj: human
    1. coll to understand the inner world of another person, anticipate his thoughts, moods, feelings
    x влез Y-y в душу = x got inside Y's head (soul).
    2. coll, usu. disapprov to inquire in very close detail about s.o. 's personal life, interfere in s.o. 's private affairs
    x лезет к Y-y в душу — x pries into Yls feelings
    x pries into Yls (very) soul.
    «Зачем он все это мне рассказывает? - закипала в Андрее лютая и необъяснимая для него самого злость. - Что ему надо от меня? Какие такие у него права есть влезать ко мне в душу?» (Максимов 3). A fierce anger, which he couldn't have explained to himself, took hold of Andrei. "Why is he telling me all this? What does he want from me? What right has he got to come prying into my feelings?" (3a).
    (Сангвиник:) Послушайте, батенька, а как вы сюда попали? (Холерик:) Не ваше дело! Я к вам в душу не лезу! (Аксенов 11). (S..) Listen, old buddy, how did you get here? (Ch.:) None of your business! I don't go prying into your soul (1 la).
    Сначала старухи переберут весь околоток, кто как живет, кто что делает они проникнут не только в семейный быт, в закулисную жизнь, но в сокровенные помыслы и намерения каждого, влезут в душу... (Гончаров 1). The ladies would begin by talking over the whole neighborhood, discussing how this one lived, what that one did, not only going into everyone's domestic life and what went on behind the scenes, but prying into their innermost thoughts and motives, into their very souls... (1b)
    3. coll to (try to) win s.o. 's confidence by any means, (try to) obtain s.o. 's favor ( usu. out of selfish or mercenary motives)
    x влез к Y-y в душу - x wormed (weaseled, wheedled) his way into Y4s confidence
    x wormed himself into Y's confidence x gained Y4s confidence.
    (Мурзавецкая:) Я тебя свезу сегодня к Купавиной: подружись с ней, да в душу-то к ней влезь: она женщина не хитрая а тебя учить нечего (Островский 5). (М..) I'm going to take you with me to-day to Madam Kupavin's. Make friends with her, gain her confidence. She is not a clever woman, - but I needn't instruct you (5a).
    4. substand to become the object of s.o. 's affection, love, respect etc, become very dear to s.o.: x влез Y-y в душу = x won Y's heart
    x won Y over (in limited contexts) Y fell for x.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-410

  • 15 worm

    I [wɜːm]
    1) zool. med. verme m.; (grub) bruco m.
    2) colloq. (wretch) verme m.
    3) inform. (virus) = tipo di virus

    the worm has turned — la pazienza è finita, le cose sono cambiate adesso

    II [wɜːm]
    1) med. veter. liberare dai vermi, dare un vermifugo a [person, animal]

    to worm one's way — farsi strada strisciando, insinuarsi (anche fig.)

    to worm one's way into sb.'s affections — conquistarsi le simpatie di qcn

    * * *
    [wə:m] 1. noun
    (a kind of small creeping animal with a ringed body and no backbone; an earth-worm.) verme
    2. verb
    1) (to make (one's way) slowly or secretly: He wormed his way to the front of the crowd.) (farsi strada)
    2) (to get (information etc) with difficulty (out of someone): It took me hours to worm the true story out of him.) estorcere, carpire
    * * *
    1. n
    Zool, (also person) pej verme m

    the worm will turn (Proverb) anche la pazienza ha un limite

    you worm! fam — verme!, Comput baco

    2. vt
    * * *
    worm /wɜ:m/
    1 (zool.) verme ( anche fig.); baco; bruco; larva; lombrico; tarlo (fig.): Many baby birds are fed with worms, molti piccoli di uccelli vengono nutriti con larve; That dog has worms, quel cane ha i vermi; He is a worm!, è un verme!; è un individuo spregevole!; (fig.) the worm of jealousy, il tarlo della gelosia; (fig.) the worm of conscience, il tarlo della coscienza; il rimorso
    2 (pl.) (med., vet.) elmintiasi, elmintosi
    3 (mecc.) filetto ( della vite)
    4 (mecc., = worm screw) vite senza fine; vite perpetua
    5 (comput.) worm (programma dannoso che si propaga in rete, ad es. per posta elettronica)
    7 (anat.) ► vermis
    8 (pl.) ( slang USA) spaghetti: worms in blood, spaghetti al pomodoro
    worm cast, terra evacuata da un lombrico □ (mecc.) worm conveyor, coclea per trasporto □ worm-eaten, roso dai vermi, bacato, tarlato; (fig.) antiquato; vecchio, decrepito: worm-eaten wood, legno tarlato □ (scherz.) worm's-eye view, visione dal basso (opposto di bird's-eye view) □ worm fishing, pesca coi lombrichi □ (mecc.) worm gear, ingranaggio a vite; ingranaggio elicoidale □ (mecc.) worm gearing, trasmissione con vite perpetua □ (mecc.) worm hob, fresa a vite senza fine □ (fig.) a worm in the apple (o in the bud), il marcio ( nella mela; fig.); una cosa che rovina tutto; quello che guasta, la mela marcia (fig.) □ (farm.) worm powder, vermifugo □ (mecc.) worm spring, molla a spirale □ (mecc.) worm wheel, ruota elicoidale □ (scherz.) to cheat the worms, essersi ristabilito dopo una grave malattia □ to count (o to feed) the worms, essere morto; essere sottoterra □ (fig.) The worm has turned, la situazione è cambiata □ (prov.) Even a worm will turn, la pazienza ha un limite.
    (to) worm /wɜ:m/
    A v. i.
    3 muoversi come un verme; strisciare: The hunters wormed through the bushes, i cacciatori strisciavano tra i cespugli
    B v. t.
    1 to worm one's way, farsi strada (o infiltrarsi) strisciando; intrufolarsi; avanzare (entrare, ecc.) furtivamente; insinuarsi: The guerrillas wormed their way into the camp, i guerriglieri si sono infiltrati nel campo strisciando sul terreno; She wormed her way into the king's heart, riuscì a insinuarsi nel cuore del re
    2 (med., vet.) dare un vermifugo a; liberare dai vermi; disinfestare; sverminare (fam.)
    3 (mecc.) filettare ( una vite)
    4 (naut.) intregnare ( un cavo)
    to worm on (o along), avanzare strisciando □ to worm oneself, infiltrarsi strisciando; (fig.) insinuarsi (nel cuore di q., ecc.) □ ( di trave, ceppo, ecc.) to be wormed, essere tarlato; essere roso dai tarli.
    * * *
    I [wɜːm]
    1) zool. med. verme m.; (grub) bruco m.
    2) colloq. (wretch) verme m.
    3) inform. (virus) = tipo di virus

    the worm has turned — la pazienza è finita, le cose sono cambiate adesso

    II [wɜːm]
    1) med. veter. liberare dai vermi, dare un vermifugo a [person, animal]

    to worm one's way — farsi strada strisciando, insinuarsi (anche fig.)

    to worm one's way into sb.'s affections — conquistarsi le simpatie di qcn

    English-Italian dictionary > worm

  • 16 worm

    1. n
    1) черв'як
    2) гусінь, гусениця; личинка
    3) глист, гельмінт
    4) жалюгідна (нікчемна) істота

    a poor worm like him — така жалюгідна істота, як він

    5) тех. черв'ячний гвинт; шнек
    6) змія; гад; плазун; змій, дракон
    2. v
    1) повзти; пробиратися поповзом; уповзати (тж to worm one's way)
    2) перен. проникати, пробиратися; примазуватися; втиратися

    to worm oneself into smb.'s confidence — втертися у чиєсь довір'я

    3) очищати від черв'яків
    4) гнати глистів
    5) копати черв'яків

    worm out — вивідати, випитати; розвідати, довідатися про щось; відкараскатися, відчепитися; вижити, витіснити; зіпхнути

    he wormed his partner out of the business — він примусив свого партнера залишити фірму; він витіснив свого партнера з комерційного підприємства

    * * *
    I n
    1) зooл. хробак ( Lumbricus); глист, гельмінт; гусінь, личинка
    2) жалюгідне створіння, нікчемна людина

    he is a worm (of a man)! — який нікчема!

    3) тex. черв'як, черв'ячний ґвинт; шнек; = worm pipe
    4) icт. змія; змій; дракон

    to be food /meat/ for worms — бути мертвим

    I am a worm today — я сьогодні не в своїй тарілці; мені сьогодні не по собі

    tread on a worm and it will turnпpиcл.= будь-якому терпінню настає кінець

    II v
    1) повзти; пробиратися поповзом; вповзати

    he wormed his way [himself]through the bushes — він проповз між кущами; ( into) проникати, пробиратися; втиратися; примазуватися

    to worm oneself into smb 's confidence — входити в довіру до кого-н.

    4) мop. тренцювати ( трос)

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > worm

  • 17 влезать в душу

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. coll to understand the inner world of another person, anticipate his thoughts, moods, feelings:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X got inside Y's head (soul).
    2. coll, usu. disapprov to inquire in very close detail about s.o.'s personal life, interfere in s.o.'s private affairs:
    - X лезет к Y-y в душу X pries into Y's feelings;
    - X pries into Y's (very) soul.
         ♦ "Зачем он все это мне рассказывает? - закипала в Андрее лютая и необъяснимая для него самого злость. - Что ему надо от меня? Какие такие у него права есть влезать ко мне в душу?" (Максимов 3). A fierce anger, which he couldn't have explained to himself, took hold of Andrei. "Why is he telling me all this? What does he want from me? What right has he got to come prying into my feelings?" (3a).
         ♦ [Сангвиник:] Послушайте, батенька, а как вы сюда попали? [Холерик:] Не ваше дело! Я к вам в душу не лезу! (Аксёнов 11). [S..] Listen, old buddy, how did you get here? [Ch.:] None of your business! I don't go prying into your soul (11a).
         ♦ Сначала старухи переберут весь околоток, кто как живёт, кто что делает; они проникнут не только в семейный быт, в закулисную жизнь, но в сокровенные помыслы и намерения каждого, влезут в душу... (Гончаров 1). The ladies would begin by talking over the whole neighborhood, discussing how this one lived, what that one did, not only going into everyone's domestic life and what went on behind the scenes, but prying into their innermost thoughts and motives, into their very souls... (1b)
    3. coll to (try to) win s.o.'s confidence by any means, (try to) obtain s.o.'s favor (usu. out of selfish or mercenary motives):
    - X влез к Y-y в душу X wormed (weaseled, wheedled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X gained Y's confidence.
         ♦ [Мурзавецкая:] Я тебя свезу сегодня к Купавиной: подружись с ней, да в душу-то к ней влезь: она женщина не хитрая; а тебя учить нечего (Островский 5). [М..] I'm going to take you with me to-day to Madam Kupavin's. Make friends with her; gain her confidence. She is not a clever woman, - but I needn't instruct you (5a).
    4. substand to become the object of s.o.'s affection, love, respect etc, become very dear to s.o.:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X won Y's heart;
    - [in limited contexts] Y fell for X.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > влезать в душу

  • 18 влезть в душу

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. coll to understand the inner world of another person, anticipate his thoughts, moods, feelings:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X got inside Y's head (soul).
    2. coll, usu. disapprov to inquire in very close detail about s.o.'s personal life, interfere in s.o.'s private affairs:
    - X лезет к Y-y в душу X pries into Y's feelings;
    - X pries into Y's (very) soul.
         ♦ "Зачем он все это мне рассказывает? - закипала в Андрее лютая и необъяснимая для него самого злость. - Что ему надо от меня? Какие такие у него права есть влезать ко мне в душу?" (Максимов 3). A fierce anger, which he couldn't have explained to himself, took hold of Andrei. "Why is he telling me all this? What does he want from me? What right has he got to come prying into my feelings?" (3a).
         ♦ [Сангвиник:] Послушайте, батенька, а как вы сюда попали? [Холерик:] Не ваше дело! Я к вам в душу не лезу! (Аксёнов 11). [S..] Listen, old buddy, how did you get here? [Ch.:] None of your business! I don't go prying into your soul (11a).
         ♦ Сначала старухи переберут весь околоток, кто как живёт, кто что делает; они проникнут не только в семейный быт, в закулисную жизнь, но в сокровенные помыслы и намерения каждого, влезут в душу... (Гончаров 1). The ladies would begin by talking over the whole neighborhood, discussing how this one lived, what that one did, not only going into everyone's domestic life and what went on behind the scenes, but prying into their innermost thoughts and motives, into their very souls... (1b)
    3. coll to (try to) win s.o.'s confidence by any means, (try to) obtain s.o.'s favor (usu. out of selfish or mercenary motives):
    - X влез к Y-y в душу X wormed (weaseled, wheedled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X gained Y's confidence.
         ♦ [Мурзавецкая:] Я тебя свезу сегодня к Купавиной: подружись с ней, да в душу-то к ней влезь: она женщина не хитрая; а тебя учить нечего (Островский 5). [М..] I'm going to take you with me to-day to Madam Kupavin's. Make friends with her; gain her confidence. She is not a clever woman, - but I needn't instruct you (5a).
    4. substand to become the object of s.o.'s affection, love, respect etc, become very dear to s.o.:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X won Y's heart;
    - [in limited contexts] Y fell for X.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > влезть в душу

  • 19 залезать в душу

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. coll to understand the inner world of another person, anticipate his thoughts, moods, feelings:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X got inside Y's head (soul).
    2. coll, usu. disapprov to inquire in very close detail about s.o.'s personal life, interfere in s.o.'s private affairs:
    - X лезет к Y-y в душу X pries into Y's feelings;
    - X pries into Y's (very) soul.
         ♦ "Зачем он все это мне рассказывает? - закипала в Андрее лютая и необъяснимая для него самого злость. - Что ему надо от меня? Какие такие у него права есть влезать ко мне в душу?" (Максимов 3). A fierce anger, which he couldn't have explained to himself, took hold of Andrei. "Why is he telling me all this? What does he want from me? What right has he got to come prying into my feelings?" (3a).
         ♦ [Сангвиник:] Послушайте, батенька, а как вы сюда попали? [Холерик:] Не ваше дело! Я к вам в душу не лезу! (Аксёнов 11). [S..] Listen, old buddy, how did you get here? [Ch.:] None of your business! I don't go prying into your soul (11a).
         ♦ Сначала старухи переберут весь околоток, кто как живёт, кто что делает; они проникнут не только в семейный быт, в закулисную жизнь, но в сокровенные помыслы и намерения каждого, влезут в душу... (Гончаров 1). The ladies would begin by talking over the whole neighborhood, discussing how this one lived, what that one did, not only going into everyone's domestic life and what went on behind the scenes, but prying into their innermost thoughts and motives, into their very souls... (1b)
    3. coll to (try to) win s.o.'s confidence by any means, (try to) obtain s.o.'s favor (usu. out of selfish or mercenary motives):
    - X влез к Y-y в душу X wormed (weaseled, wheedled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X gained Y's confidence.
         ♦ [Мурзавецкая:] Я тебя свезу сегодня к Купавиной: подружись с ней, да в душу-то к ней влезь: она женщина не хитрая; а тебя учить нечего (Островский 5). [М..] I'm going to take you with me to-day to Madam Kupavin's. Make friends with her; gain her confidence. She is not a clever woman, - but I needn't instruct you (5a).
    4. substand to become the object of s.o.'s affection, love, respect etc, become very dear to s.o.:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X won Y's heart;
    - [in limited contexts] Y fell for X.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > залезать в душу

  • 20 залезть в душу

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. coll to understand the inner world of another person, anticipate his thoughts, moods, feelings:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X got inside Y's head (soul).
    2. coll, usu. disapprov to inquire in very close detail about s.o.'s personal life, interfere in s.o.'s private affairs:
    - X лезет к Y-y в душу X pries into Y's feelings;
    - X pries into Y's (very) soul.
         ♦ "Зачем он все это мне рассказывает? - закипала в Андрее лютая и необъяснимая для него самого злость. - Что ему надо от меня? Какие такие у него права есть влезать ко мне в душу?" (Максимов 3). A fierce anger, which he couldn't have explained to himself, took hold of Andrei. "Why is he telling me all this? What does he want from me? What right has he got to come prying into my feelings?" (3a).
         ♦ [Сангвиник:] Послушайте, батенька, а как вы сюда попали? [Холерик:] Не ваше дело! Я к вам в душу не лезу! (Аксёнов 11). [S..] Listen, old buddy, how did you get here? [Ch.:] None of your business! I don't go prying into your soul (11a).
         ♦ Сначала старухи переберут весь околоток, кто как живёт, кто что делает; они проникнут не только в семейный быт, в закулисную жизнь, но в сокровенные помыслы и намерения каждого, влезут в душу... (Гончаров 1). The ladies would begin by talking over the whole neighborhood, discussing how this one lived, what that one did, not only going into everyone's domestic life and what went on behind the scenes, but prying into their innermost thoughts and motives, into their very souls... (1b)
    3. coll to (try to) win s.o.'s confidence by any means, (try to) obtain s.o.'s favor (usu. out of selfish or mercenary motives):
    - X влез к Y-y в душу X wormed (weaseled, wheedled) his way into Y's confidence;
    - X gained Y's confidence.
         ♦ [Мурзавецкая:] Я тебя свезу сегодня к Купавиной: подружись с ней, да в душу-то к ней влезь: она женщина не хитрая; а тебя учить нечего (Островский 5). [М..] I'm going to take you with me to-day to Madam Kupavin's. Make friends with her; gain her confidence. She is not a clever woman, - but I needn't instruct you (5a).
    4. substand to become the object of s.o.'s affection, love, respect etc, become very dear to s.o.:
    - X влез Y-y в душу X won Y's heart;
    - [in limited contexts] Y fell for X.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > залезть в душу

См. также в других словарях:

  • Elizabeth I of England — Infobox British Royalty|majesty name = Elizabeth I title = Queen of England and Ireland caption = Elizabeth I , Darnley Portrait , c. 1575 reign = 17 November 1558 – 24 March 1603 coronation = 15 January 1559 predecessor = Mary I successor =… …   Wikipedia

  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky — This article is about the 19th century composer. For other uses, see Tchaikovsky (disambiguation). Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky by Nikolay Kuznetsov, 1893 Pyotr Ilyich Tcha …   Wikipedia

  • Sir Louis Spears, 1st Baronet — Major General Sir Edward Louis Spears, 1st Baronet, KBE, CB, MC (7 August 1886 ndash; 27 January 1974) was a British Army officer and Member of Parliament noted for his role as a liaison officer between British and French forces in two world wars …   Wikipedia

  • worm — [[t]wɜrm[/t]] n. 1) zool. any of numerous long, slender, soft bodied, legless, bilaterally symmetrical invertebrates, including the roundworms, platyhelminths, acanthocephalans, nemerteans, horsehair worms, and annelids 2) zool. (loosely) any of… …   From formal English to slang

  • worm — wormer, n. wormlike, wormish, adj. /werrm/, n. 1. Zool. any of numerous long, slender, soft bodied, legless, bilaterally symmetrical invertebrates, including the flatworms, roundworms, acanthocephalans, nemerteans, gordiaceans, and annelids. 2.… …   Universalium

  • worm — worm1 [wə:m US wə:rm] n [: Old English; Origin: wyrm snake, worm ] 1.) a long thin creature with no bones and no legs that lives in soil →↑earthworm, ↑lugworm 2.) the young form of an insect, which looks like a short worm →↑glow worm …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • worm — 1 noun (C) 1 a long thin creature with no bones and no legs that lives in soil 2 someone who you do not like or respect 3 have worms to have parasites (=small creature that eats your food or your blood) in your body 4 the worm turns literary used …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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